
Charlie Sykes on Attack on San Juan Mayor: Trump ‘Can’t Contain Himself’

‘ — don’t blame me, look at those other people who are incompetent down there’
By Grabien Staff

SYKES: "Well, it was kind of a dog whistle. Look, you know, Hanlon’s Razor says, you know, never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity. You know, so maybe you just have a president who lacks the self control, who just lashes out at any criticism. Yeah, but on the other hand, he did it in the context of a president who never wants to take responsibility. And what you had yesterday, you had 18 tweets in 11 hours where you saw thin skinned finger pointing, anger. You saw that kind of Trumpian “don’t blame me, look at those other people who are incompetent down there.” You know, very much the anti-Harry Truman. So that was a signal to his base and to his fan boys out there. But on the other hand, he’s Donald Trump. He can’t contain himself."

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