
Charlie Sykes: Despite Indictments, Republican Voters Continue to Rally Around Trump

‘What does Mike Pence do? What does Ron DeSantis do? What does Glenn Youngkin do?’
By Grabien Staff


SYKES: "Look, this is the moment where we have all of the major indictments have come down, and yet Republican voters continue to rally around him. So there’s the challenge, what does Mike Pence do? What does Ron DeSantis do? What does Glenn Youngkin do? Will they continue to go along with this sort of same old, same old conventional wisdom, we have to humor him? Remember that quote right after the election, 'What harm would it be to simply humor him? We'll continue to echo his comments about the weaponization of the justice system.' But as you’re pointing out, there are giant reality checks saying, 'Republicans, do you know what you are about to do?' You know, we keep talking about these focus groups of Trump voters and what people are saying in diners in West Virginia. Take a step back and realize you have more than 60% of Americans who say, 'No, we’re done with Donald Trump. We are not going to vote for Donald Trump.' That ought to be really the ultimate check for Republican voters and leaders right now."

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