
Charlie Sykes on Trump Weighing in on Roy Moore: ‘This Is About Self-Preservation’

‘This is coming to him at some point because of the number of women that have accused him’
By Grabien Staff


SYKES: “I think we’re missing a key portion of a key aspect of this. Why Donald Trump is weighing in, what he is doing. This is about self-preservation because he understands that this is coming to him at some point because of the number of women that have accused him. So what he is doing is he is trying — basically what he said yesterday, there’s a possibility all those women are lying. You know, we are in this cultural moment right now where women are coming forward courageously and people are believing the women and Donald Trump stands up as the president of the United States, 'You know, a lot of these women may be lying. Maybe all of these women are lying.' And he’s laying that down to convince people that when the train comes to him on all of this, that there is this preconception that, yes, maybe all the women who have accused Roy Moore were lying but also the women who accused Donald Trump were lying." 

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