
Child at Anti-Trump Protest to MSNBC: ‘I Hate Trump’; He ‘Deported My Father and Uncle’

‘He deported my father and my uncle because they were illegal immigrants’
By Grabien Staff

Child At Anti-Trump Protest To MSNBC: Trump "Deported My Father And Uncle" (RealClearPolitics)

A child marching at the Atlanta "Not My President's Day" demonstration told MSNBC's Mariana Atencio that he was protesting because "I hate Trump" and that he "deported my father and my uncle because they were illegal immigrants."

The boy said his parents, his father having been deported, also hate Trump.

"We've been walking with these marchers for a while now. We were surprised to see some of the littlest ones are leading this rally. People like Jose right over here. Jose, tell me, why were you leading the march just now?" Atencio asked the boy.

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