
Chris Coons: Biden Is ‘Making It Clear’ to Iran that the U.S. Will Defend Israel

‘I am, of course, encouraged to see that our president is standing strong with Israel’
By Grabien Staff


COONS: “Wolf, it certainly could. Hezbollah is one of the most capable, best-equipped and armed of the Iranian proxies that are arrayed around Israel’s borders. The Houthis in Yemen, who have been harassing civilian shipping in the Red Sea, Hamas, obviously, which carried out a barbaric attack on October 7th, and a whole series of militias in Syria and in Iraq, all of those are Iranian-backed, trained and equipped proxies throughout the region, any one of which could carry out attacks on Israeli and American interests. I am, of course, encouraged to see that our president is standing strong with Israel, sending one of our key military leaders to plan and consult, dispatching warships to the region, and making it clear publicly and privately to Iran that they should not think the United States will, in any way, step back from defending Israel from an Iranian attack.”

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