
Chris Coons: ‘There’s Precious Little’ We Can Do to Stop Trump’s SCOTUS Pick

‘If you don’t like the ways that this new justice will impact everything from reproductive rights to health care to pre-existing conditions, to labor rights and voting rights, speak up, get active and vote’
By Grabien Staff


BARNICLE: "Senator, you just said that you don’t think that the Senate should even be considering a nominee for the Supreme Court based upon past history, and yet we’re going to have a nominee at some point today, probably tonight announced by the president of the United States. So what is the Democrat strategy in the Senate to slow walk this nomination or to run out the clock and to left to the elections? Do you have one?"
COONS: "There’s precious little that we procedurally can do. If the Republicans are willing to change the rules of the Senate, as they demonstrated they are, in changing the majority threshold required at the fight over now Justice Gorsuch, they changed the rules on filibuster margins, we could pull something that would last a day or two. But if they are willing to change the rules there’s very little we can do with just 49 members that would prevent them from moving ahead with a confirmation. So what I’m doing and what I expect my colleagues to do is to remind our viewers and constituents just how important this is, to ask them to speak up and express their opinions to their senators, and to remind folks that elections have consequences. And if you don’t like the ways that this new justice is going to impact everything from reproductive rights and health care to pre-existing conditions, to labor rights and voting rights, speak up, get active and vote. That’s, frankly, our best tool."

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