
Chris Cuomo Compares Trump’s EPA Pick to Segregationists

‘What happens if you get this guy in charge of the EPA?’
By Grabien Staff


CUOMO: “People thought blacks and whites shouldn’t marry. People thought blacks shouldn’t be equal. That doesn’t mean that you accept it as fact as a leader.”
CAMEROTA: “People thought that the Antarctic ice would be gone by now. It increased in 2014. This is what people hang their hat on when they say that the forecasts are not settled. They fluctuate.” 
PRESTON: “May I split the baby on this, perhaps?”
CAMEROTA: “Please.”
CUOMO: “How — you really want to split the baby on global science?” 
PRESTON: “No, no, no.”
CUOMO: “Well, that’s what you’re doing then.” 
CAMEROTA: “Go ahead, let’s go.” 
PRESTON: “What I think, if you’re an environmentalist and you believe, in fact, as most people do, that climate change is real, him heading the EPA is certainly going to slow down any efforts to continue to put in place regulations and policies that would perhaps slow it down. And that’s where I think the environmental community is very much concerned.” 
CUOMO: “What happens if you get a guy in charge of the EPA who believes what Alisyn does, that the science isn’t settled and whether or not global warming is impacted by the — our acts?” 
CAMEROTA: “Time out. I’m telling you, I’ve lots of — I’ve interviewed several scientists from the National Academy of Sciences, and what they hang their hat on is not that it’s not happening. It’s that the pace at which it’s happening, the forecasts have been wrong. Some of the forecast models. We know this.” 

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