
Chris Cuomo Confronts Tucker Carlson over Jan. 6 Footage He Aired: ‘You Cherry-Picked That’

‘I love transparency’
By Grabien Staff


CARLSON: "Well, I think part of it was a riot. But let me ask just a couple questions. One is, why can’t we know how many federal agents were in the crowd and what they were doing there?"
CUOMO: "I’m fine with knowing. I love transparency. It is the key to understanding — "
CARLSON: “It is the opposite to what we have. And there are thousands of hours of tape and the release of which will not jeopardize the security in the Capitol.”
CUOMO: “You cherry-picked that tape, by the way.”
CARLSON: “I aired what they sent me.”
CUOMO: “You cherry-picked it though.”

(Via Mediaite)

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