
Chris Matthews: 70 Million Trump Voters ‘Are Crazy,’ They Believe a Liar All the Time

‘I think Trump is lying all the time’
By Grabien Staff


MATTHEWS: “I think Trump is just lying all the time. And the people that believe a liar all the time are crazy. And I can't even understand --"
SCARBOROUGH: "Yeah, and --"
MATTHEWS: "I do not understand why 77 million people out there accept the lying, constantly lying. He did not win the election. If you just asked him, point blankly, tell us the states that he won that we didn't know about. Did he really win in Georgia --"
MATTHEWS: "-- where he asked the secretary of state for 12,000 votes? Did he really win there?"
MATTHEWS: "Where did he win? They don't know. They just follow his lead, his lying."

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