
Chris Matthews Likens ‘Angry’ Rural GOP Voters to Terrorists

‘In a way, it’s like fighting terrorism’
By Grabien Staff
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MATTHEWS: “I tell you, it's very tough, because people that didn't go to college have a pretty good rage on their hands. That's what you really want in an election, is a rage. It can be black rage, or white rage, or rural rage. In this case is rural rage. They are so angry at the liberal establishment, the coastal elite. They look at people on television, they say, 'Oh, those people on Saturday Night Live those snarling rich kids, I know who they are. They're all trust funders. They don't need -- they don't have to worry about us.' And the regular guy in the country goes, 'There they are snarling and making fun of us again.' And every time we make fun of Trump, we're making fun of them. That's the weird -- it's a weird thing. But in a way, it's like fighting terrorism. I mean, you know, we think we just put the army in, or Israel just puts the IDF and they're going to solve the problem. It never solves the problem. Because you enrage people. And we did it with Afghanistan, and we did it with Iraq. We enrage the enemy to the point where they're more fiery than ever, and they hate us more than ever. Armies don't make peace. And we think they do. And that's what this fight with young -- how about the younger staffers at the White House joining the protests outside the White House against the president, because they're rooting for the Palestinians, right? And I think they're -- I don't think it's the right versus wrong. I think it's very complicated.”


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