
Chris Matthews: There’s Something About DeSantis’ Face, His Face Seems to Crumple Together When Bad News Hits Him

‘He doesn’t like bad news about him’
By Grabien Staff


MATTHEWS: "I think you're great. You get up early, you hit the news early in the morning, I know, at 5:00. And I'm just thinking, the early news on him is, there’s something about his face. This is unfortunate, but his face seems to crumple together when bad news hits him. He doesn’t like bad news about him. He doesn’t have the retail ability. You know, we were used to politicians who at least at the local level seemed to start off by making people like him. That’s how it starts. You get to be popular at school, you get to be class president. You seem to be the kind of person you’d like to have in your carpool, right? This guy doesn’t seem like that kind of guy. Low taxes, that is working for him. Everyone wants to go to Florida and be rich. But he doesn’t seem to have the joy of politics. Barack Obama could be aloof, of course we know that, but he could also make you feel better just by who he is. Most politicians — Reagan could do it. Even Tip O’Neal would say, when Reagan has his speech in hand, he’s the best there is. And what does this guy make you do? It makes you think about Nikki Haley.”

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