
Chris Stirewalt on DeSantis: He Is Pummeling

‘He’s been brought back down to earth’
By Grabien Staff


STIREWALT: "They would first mate king. Two santas is the Trump killer. It’s a two man race. Nobody else is even close here: they go, and now three months later, round, two scientists is out it’s over it’s over it’s over and if we think about the almost comic string of errors that we have seen from two santas that relates to his half hearted sort of mealy mouth defense, of the Florida curriculum that included it’s a silver lining for human chattel slavery that was the most to folger. That was the brightest bulb that glowed there that’s the one common errors came after then, you have a series of other errors, but the core air was one of strategy to santas. Had too much money, he had Ted Cruz.
Cruz’s team he had all of the trappings of an over inflated ego and bank account for a campaign that was running as the inevitable or you can’t be inevitable. A year before the primaries get started to scientists has been kneecap, he’s been brought back down to earth. Now the question for him as he can. He get right size get his ego right, size can get his campaign right. Size can get back in there and be humble and hungry, because that’s what people and I will want to see. That’s why people in your hands right now and that’s how you beat Trump."

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