
Christie Blasts Trump: The ‘Intelligencer’ Is Wrong, There Is a Broad and Wide Demand for My Candidacy

‘I was there in 2016 when Donald Trump said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare and failed to do it’
By Grabien Staff


CHRISTIE: "No, Shannon, we are in this to win. By the way, we will have some announcements this week that are going to show people that the Intelligencer is wrong, that there is a broad and wide demand for our candidacy. And quite frankly, what the demand is for is for the truth. The people in the Republican Party and, quite broadly, across America, are tired of having political candidates who are snake oil salesmen who just don't tell them the truth, who tell them whatever they think they want to hear at the moment and then don't fulfill any of those promises. They have lived that in the Republican primary.”

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