
Christie: ‘The President Is Not Under Investigation’

‘He’s been cooperating fully with the special counsel’s office’
By Grabien Staff

DICKERSON: We turn now to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Governor, we have a lot to get to, but, as a former federal prosecutor, I want to start with this news about what Robert Mueller, the special counsel, may be up to.

Help us put in context the sealed indictment. Is that a big deal?

GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE (R), NEW JERSEY: Well, it’s typical to do it that way, in my experience, and especially if you want to get certain things organized before you confront the potential defendant.

So, but I think one of the things to be concerned about here, John, is that there are strict laws against any of this type of leaking of grand jury activity. And so the idea that we may know, in fact, that there has been some activity done already, depending upon who leaked that information, that could be a criminal violation as well.

So, we have got to be very careful about this stuff. Grand jury secrecy is very important to the effectiveness of a grand jury investigation.

DICKERSON: Let me ask you about, as a prosecutor, the president has said this is a witch-hunt. He’s questioned whether Mr. Mueller is compromised.

As a prosecutor, how would you have reacted to those kinds of questions?

CHRISTIE: Well, listen, I think that you’re always going to be questioned as a prosecutor. That’s what you have to always be ready for.

And you have to go out and do your job honestly, forthrightly, and let the evidence lead to you conclusions, not have conclusions beforehand and look for evidence that confirm it.

And so what I would say the important thing about today for the American people to know is, the president is not under investigation, and no one has told him that he is. He’s been cooperating fully with the special counsel’s office.

And if the special counsel feels now, along with a grand jury, there is actions to take against some folks, that is the special counsel’s job, although, again, I would caution that this leaking is absolutely against the law.

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