
Clinton, Despite Being ‘Shocked, Appalled’ at Weinstein, Is Vague About Returning Donations

‘Well there’s nobody to give it back’
By Grabien Staff


ZAKARIA: "What was your reaction when you heard the news of Weinstein?"
CLINTON: "I was sick. I was shocked, appalled. It was something intolerable in every way. Like so many people have come forward and spoken out, this was a different side of a person who I and many others had known in the past."
ZAKARIA: "Would you have called him a friend?"
CLINTON: "Yes, I probably would have. And so would so many others. People in democratic politics for a couple of decades appreciated his help and support. And, I think these stories coming to light now, and people who never spoke out before having the courage to speak out, just clearly demonstrates that this behavior he engaged him cannot be tolerated and cannot be overlooked. And I'm hoping that the --"
ZAKARIA: "Do you think it was tolerated because he was powerful --"
CLINTON: "I don't know."
ZAKARIA: "People say people knew."
CLINTON: "Well I certainly didn't and I don't know who did. I can speak for myself and many others who knew him primarily through politics. But the courage of these women coming forward now is really important because it can't just end with one person's disgraceful behavior and the consequences he is facing. This has to be a wake-up call and shine a spotlight on behavior like this any where at any time. We've had a revelation of plenty of companies in silicon valley sexual assault being so accepted. That's where a lot of young people have their first or most significant jobs. This can't be tolerated whether it's entertainment or anywhere."
ZAKARIA: "Senator blooming that will says people should give back the money he donated. He donated money to you directly or indirectly. Would you give it back?"
CLINTON: "Well there's nobody to give it back. What my colleagues are saying people are donating it to clarity. Of course I'd do that. I give 10% of my money to charity every year. There's no doubt about it."

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