
Clinton Hits Obama Economy: ‘It Is Time To Get Back on Track’

‘We have been moving off track for decades’
By Grabien Staff

Hillary Clinton attacked widening economic inequality under the Obama Administration during a speech Monday in Toledo, Ohio, arguing that “eight years after a cowboy culture on Wall Street wrecked our economy we are still seeing powerful bankers playing fast and loose with the law."

Clinton promised to "rebuild" the middle class, which she said is being savaged by a tax code that "rewards corporations for outsourcing jobs and their profits overseas."

“Too many powerful interests are fighting to protect their own profits and privileges at the expense of everyone else,” Clinton said. And they are aided and abetted by the rules and incentives in the economy who actually encourage people at the top to take advantage of consumers, workers, small businesses and taxpayers.”

"We have been moving off track for decades," she continued. "I don’t need to tell you that. You know it, you lived it, you have seen it. It is time to get back on track." 

Clinton singled out CEOs for criticism, arguing they must work for America and not for their shareholders.

“Corporations that benefit from everything America has to offer should feel some sense of responsibility, not just to their biggest shareholders," she said. "But to their workers. To their customers, to their communities and, yes, to their country to the United States of America."

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