
Clinton: Trump’s White House Is Promoting Racism and White Supremacy

‘But despite it all, there are signs of hope and resilience, and much of that is being led and shaped by black women like my dear friend Maxine Waters’
By Grabien Staff

Hillary Clinton says the Trump Administration is promoting “racist and white supremacist views.”

The former First Lady was in Chicago to help raise money for a super PAC aimed at helping black women in politics. Clinton singled out Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), who has become the most vocal proponent of impeaching President Trump, for praise.

“You know, maybe I don’t need to say this because it’s pretty obvious,” the two time presidential candidate said Thursday. “We are living in challenging times. We’re living through a war on truth, facts and reason, watching as racist and white supremacist views are lifted up in the media and in the White House.”

“But despite it all,” she continued, “there are signs of hope and resilience. And much of that is being led and shaped by black women like my dear friend Maxine Waters.”

“Black women are not only the base of the Democratic Party,” Clinton said. “You are essential to democracy.”

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