
CNN: Biden Adopts Radical Green New Deal as a ‘Critical Framework’ in Climate Plan

‘Biden insisted he has never been middle of the road on the environment and that his plan would be bold enough’


SAENZ: “Joe Biden is releasing his climate plan today after weeks of promising this proposal. This comes as some in his party have criticized him, saying that his plan won’t go far enough. But this morning Biden is releasing that proposal along with a video talking about climate change. And Biden says that the Green New Deal, which has become a litmus test for Democrats, that that is a critical framework when it comes to combating climate challenges in this country. But then he goes on to lay out some of the details of his own plan. Let’s get into some of that right now. His plan aims to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. He would also push Congress to enact legislation that would establish an enforcement mechanism to make sure that these goals are reached. He wants to get that bill within his first year of office. Biden would also push to reenter the Paris climate agreement, which President Trump withdrew from on his first year in office. And how much is this all going to cost? Biden campaign estimates it has a price tag of $1.7 trillion over 10 years. They say they’ll pay for that by rolling back some of the tax cuts that were implemented by the Trump Administration.”

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