
CNN Legal Analyst: Decision Limiting Biden Admin’s Contacts with Social Media Sites Is ‘Dramatic’

‘This is one of the most aggressive far reaching rulings you will ever see’
By Grabien Staff


HONIG: “Yes, it's a dramatic decision by this judge, if you read through it. He's citing to literature and George Washington, and Ben Franklin. Here's what really is astonishing to me. This is a conservative ideology that clearly comes through in this decision. It's a conservative political ideology. Right? We saw some of the quotes questioning vaccines, questioning masks; conservative talking points. But the ruling itself is the opposite of judicial conservativism. This is one of the most aggressive, far-reaching rulings you'll ever see. What this judge is purporting to do is to micro-manage, really, the day-to-day interactions between, essentially, the entire executive branch, all these agencies that are listed as defendants, and the leading social media companies. And in the actual temporary injunction, the judge basically says, You're not allowed, administration, to talk to the social media companies about any protected free speech except for cybersecurity threats, national security threats, criminal threats. But where's the line? Who's going to police this? This is a judge trying to micro-manage the day-to-day regular activities of the entire executive branch. I don't know that it's actually policeable by the judge. But it's really an astonishing -- I don't mean this necessarily as a criticism. This is a very activist judicial opinion.”

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