
CNN Panel Laughs While Comparing RFK Jr. To a Cockroach: ‘Third Parties, They’re Like Cockroaches in the Kitchen’

‘Third parties elected Donald Trump in 2016’
By Grabien Staff


BEGALA: “Absolutely. Third parties elected Donald Trump in 2016, about six to seven percent of Americans voted third-party. That third-party vote dropped to less than two, which is how Biden won. So, anything over two, Democrats are in trouble. Kennedy alone is getting 15 in some of these places. So yeah, my view is third parties, they’re like cockroaches in the kitchen, okay? It‘s not what they carry off that upsets you. It‘s what they fall into and foul up. Bobby Kennedy can fall into every swing state and foul it up for Joe Biden and throw the whole election to Donald Trump. So, I’m very happy as a Democrat that the Democrats are on this because it‘s a very real threat.”

HEYE: “Note to self, don‘t go to Paul Begala’s kitchen.”

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