
CNN’s Bash to Gina Raimondo: As Commerce Secretary, What Can You Do to Stop Abortion Bans in Certain States?

Raimondo: ‘Businesses won’t want to do business in states that are hostile to women’
By Grabien Staff


BASH: "Before I let you go, I want to ask you about the issue of abortion, because in Alabama, which has one of the strictest anti- abortion laws in the country, the attorney general says he has the right to prosecute anyone who helps a pregnant woman travel to get an out-of-state abortion. As the commerce secretary, what can or should the Biden administration do to stop that?"
RAIMONDO: "So, let me say, this is obviously not an area that I'm focused on as commerce secretary. I'm very proud of the president for standing up for women and women's access to health care. And I will tell you, as a business issue, the moves that Republicans are making are wrongheaded.”

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