
CNN’s Bash to Ramaswamy: How Do You Think Families of Jacksonville Victims Feel When You Say White Supremacy Doesn’t Exist?

‘Do you acknowledge, though, that the white supremacy does still exist in the United States?’
By Grabien Staff


BASH: "So, just because somebody hasn't encountered one doesn't mean that the notion of white supremacy doesn't exist as a threat in America. What do you think goes through the minds of the families of the three victims in yesterday's shooting when they hear you say that white supremacy is basically a fantasy?"
RAMASWAMY: "I'm sure they're grieving for their loss. And I don't want to politicize those victims, Dana. This is a very sensitive situation where we should have nothing but foremost respect for those victims and not bring them into partisan politics. But I was responding to a question where someone asked me, what racism have I experienced in recent years? And I answered honestly. Most of that racism has come from the modern left. It's happening during the course of this campaign, Kara Swisher calling me Ramasmarmy the other day, reveling in making twists of my last name, people effectively reducing me to the color of my skin and my attributes. That comes today from the modern left. But the reality is, this is part of a dogma in this country."

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