
CNN’s Bill Weir Praises ‘Empathizer-in-Chief’ Biden After Hawaii Visit

‘He shared the stories we’re familiar with of losing his daughter and wife and wondering if his sons had survived a car accident early in his political career’
By Grabien Staff


WEIR: "President and Dr. Biden spent several hours both over Lahaina on the ground here and meeting with both first responders and victims of this tragedy at the big shelter, the War Memorial Shelter in central Maui. And he said the right things in many cases. When he came to the microphone to give his statements, he said the thing that a lot of folks I've been hearing from for two weeks have been saying that he wants Maui, the people of Maui to help determine how this place is rebuilt. There was a question as to who will have the most influence in that conversation going forward. Locals here, working class, Native Hawaiians, and multigenerational locals are worried of disaster capitalism, people moving in to exploit this and buy up as much land as they can in this paradise and rebuild it for their interests as well. The president says -- promises that that won't happen. It remains to be seen. There's a lot of forces at play here right now. He did serve as empathizer-in-chief after five days of being mostly silent on the issue publicly, but the governor said he was working behind the scenes to assure first responders that the feds had their back on this.”


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