
CNN’s Borger: I Don’t Understand Why GOP’s Upset About Someone Who Cut a Deal They Hated Being Special Counsel

‘Now they’re going to get more accountability, because they’re going to get a report’
By Grabien Staff


BORGER: “They say Weiss cannot be trusted because they didn’t like the deal that he was cutting. And they’re saying, well, he’ll just do it again. But, of course, now, he’s got more accountability to Congress. They’ve asked for accountability. Now they’re going to get more accountability, because they’re going to get a report. And so, they’re going to get more of what they wanted and they’re likely to get a trial, which is also something they want because that goes into the political year, as Norm was pointing out. So, I don’t really understand what it is they’re complaining about since they’re getting what they want.”

(Via Breitbart)

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