
CNN’s Honig on Fani Willis: Finding that There Are Reasonable Questions About Whether You Lied Under Oath ‘Would Be a Career Ender for a Normal Prosecutor’

‘The bottom line, the DA survived, but not without serious bruising’
By Grabien Staff


HONIG: “Let me just give you the seven, I think, most severe lines — and these are really serious findings by the judge — about the D.A.. These are all verbatim from the opinion. First of all, there‘s 'a significant appearance of impropriety that infects the prosecution team.' Second, 'a tremendous lack in judgment.' Third, 'the unprofessional manner of the D.A.‘s testimony.' Fourth, 'the odor of mendacity remains.' I Googled 'mendacity,' it means lying. Fifth, 'the legally improper speech,' that was made in the church that Laura just talked about, 'legally improper, with the effect to cast racial aspersions on the defendants.' Sixth, 'The D.A. has created dangerous waters for the D.A. to wade further into.' And finally, I think this is the most damning, 'There are reasonable questions about whether the D.A. testified untruthfully. Any one of these statements by a judge would be a career ender. For a normal prosecutor, to have an on-the-record finding that there are reasonable questions about whether you lied under oath, that would be devastating. And we‘ll see what the political effects will be. The bottom line, the D.A. survives, but not without serious bruising, to use your analogy, Sara."

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