
CNN’s Tapper: We Should Point Out That the Mother of Biden’s 7th Grandchild ‘Has Been Caught Up in Some Far-Right Folks’

‘Just for the sake of fairness’
By Grabien Staff


TAPPER: “And we should point out, just for the sake of fairness, that Navy’s mom, who, you know, had the incident with Hunter that resulted in this beautiful child, she has been caught up in some far-right folks, some Ziegler guy and all.”

FARAH GRIFFIN: “The only — the only clean hands here are the child. The child is completely innocent in this. If any — when people go after Hunter Biden on addiction, most families in America have been touched by addiction, and I think that that kind of repels people. But this is something, an innocent child that had no say in the matter, I think as simple as taking out that line about his six grandchildren and just referring as grandchildren would go a long way because someday that child will be an adult and they will know their grandfather chose to not acknowledge them.”

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