
CNN’s Weir: The Cost of Fossil Fuel Industry Is Getting Bigger with Every Storm

‘Science has been warning about this for a very long time’
By Grabien Staff


WEIR: "That is an amazing question, it's the biggest sort of a trillion dollar question about how you adapt communities like this to the world that we are already now living in, at the same time trying to mitigate further, more wicked storms down the road with more fossil fuel pollution. Right now, the Gulf is being reopened by the Biden Administration for oil and gas lease sales, that is about to happen in the coming weeks. There are lawsuits around that right there, but it is the double bind of these oil economies and places like this where they have that as an income stream, but also the cost of it is becoming bigger with every storm. Science has been warning about this for a very long time, in many ways it has been predicted. It is the speed that we're seeing these changes that has taken most folks by surprise."

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