
CNN: Sen. Grassley Criticized by the WH and the FBI for Releasing ‘Unverified’ FBI Document Detailing Biden Bribery Allegations

‘The FBI says Grassley’s release of this information, unverified information, at a minimum risks the safety of confidential sources’
By Grabien Staff


ROMANS: "Alright, the FBI and the White House sharply criticizing a move by Sen. Chuck Grassley. The Iowa Republican releasing an internal FBI document with unverified claims from 2016 that President Biden and his son Hunter reportedly received bribes from the CEO of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Grassley says he's able to release that document, it's called a Form 1023, because of 'legally protected disclosure by Justice Department whistleblowers.' But the FBI says Grassley’s release of this information, unverified information, at a minimum risks the safety of confidential sources. And the White House sharply criticized Republicans for pushing long-debunked claims."

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