
CNN to Trump: ‘Aren’t You Undermining the First Amendment’ in Calling Us ‘Fake News’

‘When you call it fake news you are undermining confidence in our news media’
By Grabien Staff

ACOSTA: “Just because the attack of fake news and attacking our network, I want to ask you, sir.”
TRUMP: “I'm changing it from fake news, though. Very fake news.”
ACOSTA: “Aren't you –“
TRUMP: “Go ahead.”
ACOSTA: “Real news, Mr. President, real news.”
TRUMP: “And you are not related to our new –“
ACOSTA: “I am not related – I am not related. I like the sound of Secretary Acosta.”
TRUMP: “I said is there any relation. Alec –“
ACOSTA: “I'm sure you checked that.”
TRUMP: “I said go back and check the family tree.”
ACOSTA: “Aren't you concerned sir you are undermining the people's faith and the First Amendment freedom of the press, the press in this condition when you call stories you don't like fake news? Why just not say it is a story I don't like. When you call it fake news you are undermining confidence in our news media free press, suspect that important.”

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