
CNN: Trump Congratulates Duterte on the ‘Unbelievable Job’ He’s Doing in Bloody Drug War

‘A senior U.S. Officials briefed on the call verified the basics of the conversation of CNN adding the president was only acknowledging America’s drug problem, not condoning violence and human rights violations’
By Grabien Staff


RIPLEY: "He’s the mastermind of a bloody drug war, has dragged about personally killing people and this week imposed martial law to fight terrorism. The Philippines strong man president Rodrigo duterte has even compared himself to hitler for his quest to exterminate drug criminals. Human rights krups have condemned him. President Trump praised him in what the White House describes as a very friendly phone call last month saying I just want to congratulate you because I’m hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem. The leaked transcript obtained by the intercept “Washington Post” and “New York Times,” a senior U.S. Officials briefed on the call verified the basics of the conversation of CNN adding the president was only acknowledging America’s drug problem, not condoning violence and human rights violations. CNN has reported extensively on the CNN’s drug war and the thousands killed in its poorest slums, openly encouraged by the government. 

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