
CNN/MSNBC: In Hamas’ Defense … [Supercut]

‘There has been the most aggressive encroachment into the West Bank by this far-right coalition government of any that we’ve seen’
By Grabien Staff


MITCHELL: "And there has been the most aggressive encroachment into the West Bank by this far-right coalition government of any that we've seen. (...) This mobilization that has been going on for a year and that is reaching critical point, not completely observed by the outside world, frankly."
JAMMAL: "Provocations day after day, time after time, was — was nonstop. And it seems like the Netanyahu government is not willing to — to bring any peace to the region.”
GHAZAL: "It’s conflicting for me because you have people in there and innocent bystanders, they’ll be involved in it, but at the same time, it’s — it’s like, you know what other choice did they have?”
AMANPOUR: "Do you condemn what Hamas did inside Israel to Israeli civilians. There are dead, and there are hostages."
ZOMOT: "First and foremost, hostile media must really abandon this framework that has gotten us to where we are today. (...) The loss of civilian life is tragic in all sides.”


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