
CNN’s Acosta to W.H.: Was Trump ‘Making a Derogatory Comment About Latinos’ with ‘Breeding’ Tweet?

‘He was talking about the problem itself growing and getting bigger’
By Grabien Staff

ACOSTA: "Can I just ask you about a tweet the President put out last week? He tweeted a lot over the weekend, but last week he said — he was talking about sanctuary cities in California and saying, 'There's a revolution going on in California. Some of these sanctuary areas want out of this ridiculous crime infested and breeding concept.' We haven't had a chance to ask you about that tweet. When he used the word breeding, was he making a derogatory term about Latinos in California, that they breed a lot or that they're prone to breeding?"
HUCKABEE SANDERS: "He was talking about the problem itself growing and getting bigger."

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