
CNN’s Blitzer Tries Five Times in a Row To Get Rep. Jeffries to Call Trump Racist

‘In your mind, congressman, what’s the difference between a racist and what you call a racial arsonist?’
By Grabien Staff

BLITZER: “Are you suggesting he's a racist?”
JEFFRIES: “No, he's a racial arsonist. He uses race to advance his own ends. That's troubling. I'm not going to stand here and call him a racist or not. But ile speak to the facts which have been part of his journey, going all the way back to the time that the Donald Trump and Trump Administration was sued by the Nixon Justice Department by engaging in housing discrimination against black in the 1970s. And individuals who were wrongfully accused, wrongfully convicted, and wrongfully in prison, black and Latino young man for a crime they didn't commit, and it was Donald Trump who led the lynch mob trying to persecute these individuals. Americans are smart enough to put the facts together for themselves. He's offering the American people a very raw deal, chaos and confusion. Here on Capitol Hill Democrats we are planning for the American people a much better deal focused on better jobs, wages, and a better future for people of every single race.”
BLITZER: “In your mind, congressman, what's the difference between a racist and what you call a racial arsonist?”

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