
CNN’s Borger: Trump’s Business Dealings in Russia Explain Why He Never Said a Bad Word About Putin

‘He was seeking business in Russia’
By Grabien Staff


BORGER: "Look, I think the President was saying what a lot of his allies are saying, which was, look, I might not have won. I was a private businessman, and I was allowed to continue my business while I campaigned. And, you know, protect myself just in case I lost. What he misses in all of this is that, as Jeffrey was saying, he was keeping it a secret. He was lying about it publicly. He was trying very hard to get this deal. It extended further than we ever knew. And that if you’re somebody who is talking about foreign policy on the national stage as he was, and was unable to say a bad word about Vladimir Putin during the campaign, we were all asking ourselves, why is this? How can this be? And this helps answer that mystery. He was seeking business in Russia. With Vladimir Putin. He was seeking to brand a hotel in Russia. At the same time. And I think that the American public might have wanted to know that by way of explanation, and, of course, it was also at the same time that the Russians were hacking the election."

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