
CNN’s Camerota: Migrants Storming Border ‘Proves’ We Don’t Need a Border Wall

‘I think’


CAMEROTA: “Let’s talk about this. We want to bring in CNN chief analyst, Jeffrey Toobin, we want to bring host of CNN Smerconish, Michael Smerconish and CNN senior political reporter Nia-Malika Henderson. Nia, I want to start with you, because as unfortunate as this incident is, I am not sure that it proves that we need a border wall; in fact it's the opposite the border worked, the border security here worked. So, however many people rushed the border 39 were arrested, they are going to be deported. Noone breached the border. So shutting down the border worked and it also proves, that we don’t need a, I think, a border wall because the migrants made and went out of their way to go to the Tijuana entrance because the rest of the boarder was considered too hazardous, too dangerous to cross so they went an extra hundreds of miles to the port of entry in Tijuana because they considered that the easiest. So, in other words the system is actually working.”

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