
CNN’s Cuomo: ‘They Take Pride at Fox and Saying that CNN Is the Clinton News Network’

‘Why you say something also matters’
By Grabien Staff

CUOMO: "So yesterday on the air they say Chris Cuomo didn't know. That he was surprised that Hillary Clinton has two investigations because, you know, that's what they do over at 'CNN'. Now, that's a -- that's a silly thing for a reporter to say because, obviously, we all know. We had someone on our air that made it sound like there were two new investigations when the Foundation one has been going on a long time. Clinton didn't want to acknowledge it, but it's been going on a long time. The email one's been going on well over a year. But why you say something also matters. They take pride at 'FOX' in saying that 'CNN' is the Clinton News Network. This is a different type of combat, almost, that you're seeing --"
STELTER: "It is."
CUOMO: "-- among media. We don't go after our own in this business."

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