
CNN’s James Gagliano: Founding Fathers Couldn’t Envision an 18 Year Old Buying an AR-15 But Not a Beer

‘It does feel like we’re at a tipping point’
By Grabien Staff


GAGLIANO: "I think the era of fatalism is over, where people sit back and they go, there’s nothing we can do, and everybody retreats to their corners. Folks struggle. And listen, as I say all the time, I’m the perfect spokesperson for this, because I’m a veteran, I am a former law enforcement officer, I am a gun owner, I have a concealed carry permit, I am a hunter. I’m the exact person who needs to step up and say, we invented gun powder in 1700 A.D. The first guns were mid 14th century invented. The 1791, the Second Amendment comes online. And here we are in 2018 and we’re hanging onto this and going we just can’t talk about this because if we do that, we’re somehow going to take off the founding fathers. The founding fathers could not envision that an 18-year-old kid can go in a gun store. He can’t buy beer but he could buy a semiautomatic weapon, an it's a weapon of --" [crosstalk]
HOST: "Weapon of war." 
GAGLIANO: "We've spoken about this, is a weapon of war. Oh, Jimmy, you’re wrong. It's not fully automatic. It has a collapsible stock. It has a pistol grip. It has detachable magazines. We have to make sure that those kind of things don’t fall into the hands of somebody like this."

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