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CNN’s Mudd Slams Trump over al-Baghdadi: ‘You Don’t Celebrate Death ... a Human Being Has Died’

‘This makes me uncomfortable’
By Grabien Staff


MUDD: "This makes me uncomfortable. Same feeling I was having when I was walking around D.C. after the killing of bin Laden. There's an upper level on this. You don’t celebrate death. I don't care if it's a terrorist, I don't care if it's someone you hate. A human being has died. We don’t celebrate that. The other thing in terms of language, you don't taunt on adversary. On Sunday afternoons in football, you tell the guys in locker room, 'Don’t give them stuff to put on the bulletin board.' You don’t use that language which will echo around the Middle East about things like dogs and whimpering because there’s still a lot of people who follow this movement who are going to say, 'You talk about us like that, we’re coming at you.' I would not use that — I find it — it's embarrassing."

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