
CNN’s Phil Mudd: ‘Government Is Going to Kill’ Trump

‘The government is going to kill this guy’
By Grabien Staff


MUDD: "Let me give you one bottom line as a former government official. Government is going to kill this guy. He defends Vladimir Putin. There are State Department and CIA officers coming home, and at Langley and Foggy Bottom, CIA and State, they’re saying, 'This is how you defend us?' We saw the same thing in his transgender comments. What is the military saying to him on transgender? 'Show us the policy.' You know what that means inside government? 'Ain’t going to happen.' What did the Department of Justice say on Paul Manafort. 'You can say what you want, a judge told us we had cause to search his home early in the morning because we don’t trust the guy who was your campaign manager.' The government is going to kill this guy because he doesn't support them.”

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