
Cokie Roberts: Trump ‘Has to Share Responsibility’ for Violence in Charlottesville

‘The fact is, is that through that campaign, he blew all kind of whistles that those of us who grew up in the Jim Crow South’
By Grabien Staff

COKIE ROBERTS, ABC NEWS POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, the president has to share responsibility. The fact is, is that through that campaign, he blew all kind of whistles that those of us who grew up in the Jim Crow South, like I did, recognized immediately. It was just calling out to these white supremacists who then felt empowered by it, and the president now not calling them out — you know, he should listen to Nikki Haley, his now UN ambassador. She’s the person who started bringing down Confederate monuments. And she did it so graciously and exactly the right tone after the killings of Mother Emmanuel Church.

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