
Colbert Congratulates Youngkin for ‘Eliminating’ Critical Race Theory from Schools Which Never ‘Existed’

‘Here’s the thing— Critical Race Theory is not taught at the K-to-12 level in Virginia’
By Grabien Staff


COLBERT: “Here’s the thing— Critical Race Theory is not taught at the K-to-12 level in Virginia. Wow, that was fast— governors made, governors kept. Good for you, governor Youngkin. He did it, it happened. It’s pretty hard to campaign against someone who is promising to eliminate things that don’t exist. If elected, I will ban every toilet seat getting Americans pregnant. And on day one, I will imprison that woman who put the Turkey in the bassinet and the baby in the oven. We will also go after her accomplice, the slender man, the call’s coming from inside the house from your Canadian girlfriend.”

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