
Colbert Jokes that Trump Has Been Giving Oral Sex to Putin

‘No one was more baffled by Trump’s supposed Swedish incident than the Swedes’
By Grabien Staff

COLBERT: “And Trump had some sobering news about a recent attack on one of our allies.” 
[clip starts]
TRUMP: “You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!” 
[clip ends]
COLBERT: “No one. No one would believe that. Well, not no one, but maybe someone who skips their intelligence briefings, because it turns out on Friday night 'No incident occurred in Sweden.' Which is actually headline news there. 'Nothing happens, again.' It’s very quiet, very safe. No one was more baffled by Trump’s supposed Swedish incident than the Swedes. Their former prime minister, Carl Bildt, tweeted, 'Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? What has he been smoking?' What has he been smoking? Ah, Vladimir Putin’s d-(bleep)?"

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