
Colbert Purchases ‘’ to Troll on Tucker After He Launches Streaming Site

‘Check out my exclusive Tucker content’
By Grabien Staff


COLBERT: “You may remember the Tucker got fired from Fox News for somehow being to racist. (Laughter) So he started a show over on Twitter but now he's got an even worse idea because yesterday, he announced he's launching his own streaming service called Tucker Carlson Network for $9 a month. Now that seems steep, but there is a free version for $0 a month, you can never watch Tucker Carlson again. (Cheering and Applause) So -- so what's on this network? According to the website, there'll be interviews with people like Kid Rock, Martin Shkreli, Alex Jones, and RFK Jr., collectively known as Mt. Douchemore. (Laughter) The only thing -- only thing I don't really get about this new platform is the name Tucker Carlson Network. It kind of feels incomplete. Like, doesn't feel like he should have called it The Tucker Carlson Network. And -- and he really should have gotten the website, And he didn't. But I did. (Cheering and Applause) So head on over to my The and check out my exclusive Tucker content.”


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