
Colbert: Trump Just Surrendered the Coast of Florida to the Ocean

‘Repealing environmental regulations will create all sorts of new jobs: Oil refining, fracking, clean water historian, keeper of the last six bees’
By Grabien Staff


COLBERT: "So, today, he kept an important campaign promise to repeal the environment. He signed an executive order to loosen restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions and essentially "Wipe out Obama's climate change record." I think this means he just surrendered Florida to the ocean, which explains why when he signed the order, he invited Aquaman. You know what I noticed? Not a single Aquawoman in that picture. So, why is Trump doing this? According to head of the EPA and guy who hates the EPA Scott Pruitt: "It's going to create jobs." Yeah, repealing environmental regulations will create all sorts of new jobs: Oil refining, fracking, clean water historian. Keeper of the last six bees. And, of course, reinvigorate coal mining."

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