
Colbert to Trump: You Know Releasing Your Tax Return Isn’t Related to Winning Elections Right?

‘Hey, I just won a spelling bee! Why are you looking in my crawl space?’
By Grabien Staff

COLBERT: "Happy people. Happy people, of course. Happy tax day, everybody. This is the day when we all release our tax returns to the man who won't release his. Now, tax day is traditionally on the 15th, but since that was on a Saturday, this year they gave everyone three more days to figure out how their bathroom is a "Home office." I do a lot of reading in there. I do a lot-- a lot of reading in there -- a lot of tweeting, you know. But on the 15th, thousands of people across the country, marched to get Trump to release his taxes. Beautiful idea. Lovely. Lovely idea. But the tax March did not get Trump to release his taxes, much like the women's March did not get Trump to release his woman, but nice try, nice try. But he did release some tweets. "I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-- easily won the electoral college! Now tax returns are brought up again?" Okay, I know you won, but you know those things aren't related, right? "Hey, I just won a spelling bee! Why are you looking in my crawl space?"

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