
Colo. Sec. Of State Griswold: ‘The Supreme Court Has Issued Bad Decisions on Democracy’

‘The United States Supreme Court decision will not be the make it or break it as to whether democracy survives’
By Grabien Staff


TUR: "Do you have confidence in the Supreme Court?”
GRISWOLD: "I would say as an office holder, it is my job to uphold the decision of the United States Supreme Court. And that's why I've always said from the beginning of this litigation, that I'll follow what the United States Supreme Court decides even if I disagree with them, which I do. I think the Supreme Court has issued bad decisions on democracy. I think what's happening in this country for American women is horrendous. The idea that the overturning of Roe is leading to women not even have being able to access fertility treatment in the state of Alabama. And overall, again, the United States Supreme Court decision will -- will not be the make it or break it as to whether democracy survives. The make it or break it will be the American people. And that's who I have the utmost confidence and trust in."


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