
Colorado Gov. Defends Gadsden Flag: ‘Let’s Just Let Kids Have Their Free Expression’

‘If we want the moral high ground to say schools should let be banning rainbow flags on kids, binders or backpacks to celebrate pride, we have to also say they shouldn’t be banning free-speech on the other side’
By Grabien Staff


POLIS: “Well, look, I call it a teaching moment. You know, Abby, we all remember high school, college, you know, there's kids with pins on their backpacks. Maybe it's a feminist pin, an anti-war pin. Maybe it's a conservative one. And you know, that enriches the discussion, right? It's kids are trying out different things and you know, the ‘Don't tread on me’ flag, the Gadsden flag is really an iconic American flag. It's flown over units of our military. You know, it's of course, has it been adopted by the Tea Party and others? Sure it has, but a kid could have ‘I Love the Tea Party’ pin on their backpack, too. I mean, look, let's just let kids have their free expression in school, and if they want to advocate for their political beliefs, I think that's something that should be encouraged. It's all about free speech.”


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