
Comer: Biden Family ‘Easily’ Made $25 to 30 Million Dollars From Foreign Countries

‘That’s a big deal because we suspect that the Bidens had offshore bank accounts’
By Grabien Staff


COMER: "I think there’s going to be easily 25 to $30 million-plus. And a big development happened today that I don't think anyone has picked up yet. I asked the question. The very last question I asked when I had time yielded to me by Rep. Burlison of Missouri  was, 'Would you be willing to hand over the paperwork with respect to foreign transactions?' Because it’s been almost impossible for my committee to subpoena bank records from foreign countries. The IRS has that and they are willing to turn that over to the Ways and Means Committee, who will then hand it over to us. That’s a big deal, Sean, because we suspect that the Bidens had offshore bank accounts, and that today was a huge development that will open up a new door for us to move forward in our investigation."

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