
Concha Torches ‘Ben & Jerry’s:’ Feel Free to Donate Your Profits to Indigenous Lands

‘You live in the greatest country in the world’
By Grabien Staff


CONCHA: "Well, Jason, I tell my 7- and 9-year-old, Liam, Cameron, 'You are so lucky. You live in the greatest country in the world. You will have opportunities here like you will not have anywhere else.' And when you see people like Ben and Jerry, for example, like the governor brought up, bashing this country on the 4th of July when they earn so much money, $700 million annually for their overpriced ice cream and all the 31 flavors and stupid names that come with it, so please, feel free, Ben, Jerry, to donate your profits to indigenous lands. And while you are at it, move your corporate headquarters to an Indian reservation and employ those folks if you care so much. In other words, Jason, always judge people by their actions and not their words. If Ben & Jerry’s wants to soil the 4th of July in this country on social media, then back up your words. It is really that simple."

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