
Congressman Donalds: The Question Is Will Joe Biden Debate Trump or Hide in His Basement

‘I believe Donald Trump’s going to be the nominee’
By Grabien Staff


DONALDS: "Oh, I’ll tell you right now, you know, once we finish this up, and I believe Donald Trump’s going to be the nominee, will he debate Joe Biden? Absolutely, no doubt about that. I think the question is there Joe Biden debate, or will he hide in his basement. I think with respect to the other primary challengers, I fully anticipate that the president is going to debate at some point. But let’s be very clear, his lead is so massive, it was really important for these other candidates to demonstrate that they could even get on his level. So I think at some point the president will debate, but right now he decided it’s not really important right now, and I think you saw that the other night."

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